You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
Friday, July 30, 2010
23 Week Doctor Appointment....
So another day at the doctors office. Start with the usual blood pressure (114/60), baby's heart rate (148), and my weight (haha I am not saying but I have gained a total of 13 pounds which is exactly on track!) The doctor says everything looks great and next time in we will do the awful glucose test. With the glucose test comes other blood work which we are going to check my platelets because I seem to be bruising a little easier than normal. She is also excited with me because I finally got an appointment to see my cardiologist on Tuesday, just for a check up to make her feel better even though I feel fine. Go back in 4 weeks! I can not believe how quickly this seems to be going by. I only owe one more payment for my deductible I am over the half way hump and coasting down hill. Now hopefully we can continue with this progress all the way through.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
23 Weeks
So I missed the picture for 22 weeks but I don't think I change all that much, at least I do not hope so, haha!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Channing's first outfit....

So we were out shopping for a baby shower this evening and we finally bought something for the baby. We hadn't bought him any clothes yet because we have no where to put them and it just seems a little crazy since they would get stuck somewhere in a bag in our room for now. I saw this cute onesize and could not resist!!! It is so cute and I can not wait to see it on him!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Channing's Crib is here...

We ordered his crib on Sunday and it is already here! I am so excited! The sad thing is that we can not put it together yet because we want to paint the nursery first and then new carpet and ceiling fan. But first we need to start all that and fixing up the rest of the house. But as soon as we put it together I will take a picture of that instead of what it looks like from the picture on the box, LOL!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A busy afternoon...
Well today we decided to go and register for all the great things we are going to need for Channing. We registered at Babies R Us and Target. We still haven't decided on bedding so that makes registering for some things impossible but we registered for everything else including all the furniture. When we got home we ordered the crib offline from Target. No one seems to have it in a store and it is only available online and Target is the only one who has it in stock. Now we just wait for it to arrive some time at the end of next week. I am getting super anxious for everything to start speeding up!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Name time...well at least a first name...Channing Hargrove
So we finally decided on a first name for the little guy!! Channing Hargrove. Now if we could pick a middle name and some bedding! Poor guy he was nameless for a few days. He has now been moving and kinda kicking me like crazy! He is a very active little guy around bed time which makes it a little hard to fall asleep, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
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