So as you seen little man had his 6 month check up yesterday.While at the doctors office they gave us a paper with what a 6 month should be doing and what reactions he will have to his shots as well as other things we should be starting with him! The paper stated that at 6 months he should be able to sleep almost thought the night and when we it is bed time we should be able to put him to sleep without using a bottle and rocking him to sleep.
Well as many of you know we haven't even put Channing in his crib to sleep at night yet! I mean we have put him in their for naps but not at night. So I was getting worried that Chase and I were falling behind and needed to get him in his crib! I talked to Chase and we decided we should try to put him in there last night!
So before bedtime we moved his monitor into his room and set up the sensor pads under the mattress. I was already getting a little upset because I am so used to having him in our room right next to our bed so this was going to be an adjustment for sure.
We gave him his bottle about an hour before we put him down and then we gave him a bath. Then we had a little quite time while I rocked him in the rocking chair and read him a few books. I could tell he was getting tired so I tried to put him in his bed. I was sure he was going to put up a fight and it wasn't going to go as easy as I was hoping for.
Of course I was right! Except he didn't fuss or get mad because he was in there. I turned on his seahorse thing and his mobile (which he loves) and he played with some toys. He tossed and turned for about 30 to 45 minutes but then he finally fell asleep. I was completely shocked that I didn't have to rock him or pick him up and walk around with him. It was a sad moment for sure!
He made it through the night with only waking up a few times because he lost his pacifier but that was it. There was also a few times that the alarm went off on his monitor but we figured out it was because he was scooting to far forward in his crib so we needed to move the sensor pad. So for tonight we will make sure to move it. All in all he did a great job!!

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
6 Month Checkup
Today was little mans 6 month checkup!! First of all I can not believe he is already 6 months old. I mean literally where has the time gone!! His checkup went great! He is in the 75th percentile for his height and the 25th for his weight and the size of his head, which I must say I was totally shocked by!! The packet the doctor gave us was saying that he should be sleeping in his own crib by now and we should be starting to lay him down when he is getting tired so he can learn to fall asleep on his own. Well once I seen this I was feeling really bad because he still sleeps in our room in his pack and play so he can be close to us. I mean we only do it because his room is at the front of the house all by itself which is making us a little nervous. But we have talked about it and we are going to try to let him sleep in his crib by himself tonight and put him down without rocking him or giving him a bottle to fall asleep!! Wish us luck!!
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