So many of you know that I am kinda OCD about a clean house, laundry done, school work kinda worked on(haha) and for my car and houes to look nice and clean even if no one is coming over. Well now there is this little thing/fetus/baby growing in me and it is has totally already taken over my life completely. It is amazing how I was so stressed about school work and getting stuff done around the house and now since I have found out I was pregnant it has all disappeared. Of course now I am more tired and literally can fall asleep in like 5 seconds which sounds alot like Jimmy. I use to could go without sleep or stay up late to work on things but now I go to bed early and I can not get up early either. I have let the stress go in my life and pretty much the house and car cleaning as well. This little baby is already taking over my life and gearing me up for what is to come and I can not wait for that. It is amazing how something as small as 1/2 inch has begun to rule my life and I in no way or fashion can stop it.
For Chase things haven't changed all that much, ok well maybe a little. He doesn't miss much sleep due to the pregnancy or have food cravings or aversions or feel sick but I guess he does have to deal with me! He has been so sweet and great to me through all of this. He has been worried about me when I am sick and feels bad when nothing made me feel better. He has had to make some stops on the way home from school late at night for Tylenol or some Chocoalalte ice cream or Big Red but other than that I haven't made any weird requests. He did great when I was really sick and could not eat certain things or only wanted to eat certain things. Chase has been the best husband and soon to be daddy through the last weeks and I am so glad to have him by my side and as the father of our child.

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Momma got a little freaked out
So last time I posted I let everyone know that the morning sickness had started at about 6 weeks and was full force. Well at the last doctors appt which was at 8 weeks and 3 days the doctor gave me a perscription for nausea to take when needed. Well I never got the perscription filled and the following Monday my morning sickness was completely gone. At first I did not think anything of it but then it felt like all the other signs of pregnancy except the fatigue part had disappeared as well. Well it of course freaked me out. I did the one thing I should have never done which was get on the internet and start looking up miscarriages and if you lose your signs of pregnancy. Of course everything starts in with you lose your signs of pregnancy and you will have cramping and bleeding. It also said that the cramping and bleeding could take weeks to happen after a miscarrigae or not happen at all. So I start freaking instantly. I decided to call to talk to a nurse and they were closed becuase it was Friday afternoon. So all weekend I let it consume my mind and take over assuming the worse and just worrying and only thinking about it. Finally yesterday I could not take it anymore and I called the nurse. She confirmed that all the things I read on the internet were true and it could take weeks or never happen for the cramping and bleeding. She told me that I could come in and we could try to hear for a heartbeat. I could not go in yesterday so I went first thing this morning. Of course I spent all last night freaking my self out worse trying to be ready for the worse possible outcome just to be ready.
Well I went this morning and everything is fine! I got to hear the hearbeat and it was amazing. I wish Chase could have been there for that but this is the only appointment he will ever miss because it wasn't an original appointment. At first she couldn't find it but then finally we found it and she let me listen to it for awhile. It was strong and sounded great. She told me once a sonogram is done and a heartbeat is found and shown then the chances of miscarriage go way down. That since it doesn't sound like there is genetic issues in the family then I should be fine to make it through the first trimester. She said I still needed to make it to the 12 week appointmet to be in the clear for everything but she seems to think everything will be fine which made me feel alot better. So now just two weeks and 2 days until the 12 week appointment and I will feel alot better!!!!
Well I went this morning and everything is fine! I got to hear the hearbeat and it was amazing. I wish Chase could have been there for that but this is the only appointment he will ever miss because it wasn't an original appointment. At first she couldn't find it but then finally we found it and she let me listen to it for awhile. It was strong and sounded great. She told me once a sonogram is done and a heartbeat is found and shown then the chances of miscarriage go way down. That since it doesn't sound like there is genetic issues in the family then I should be fine to make it through the first trimester. She said I still needed to make it to the 12 week appointmet to be in the clear for everything but she seems to think everything will be fine which made me feel alot better. So now just two weeks and 2 days until the 12 week appointment and I will feel alot better!!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Our First Doctor's Appointment.....

Today I am 8 weeks and 3 days along only alot more to go, haha!! Today was our first doctors appointment for the checkup on the baby and to meet the new doctor. Her name is Pattyann Hardt and her office is off of 8th Ave right next to the hospital. The nurse at the front to check you in was amazing her name was Annie. She was happy and upbeat and kidding around with us she made it really comfortable. Once you check in you walk down the hall to the Tree of Life as the call it or the waiting room that has this amazing wall in which someone did by hand this glass tree and scenery. We waited to be called back to meet the doctor. Finally a few minutes later we were called back and thank goodness because I really had to go to the bathroom but I knew they were going to need a sample so I was patiently holding it, which is not the easiest thing to do. They put us in a room and started the interrogation process, just kidding but hey that is kinda what it felt like. We had to go through all the medical issues in the family which I will be having to ask everyone once we tell people so we can fill the doctor in. The new doctor came in and she was so sweet and nice. She told us our due date is November 23rd and then asked if we had any questions. Of course I had a few considering this is our first and the baby is due in my last semster right before finals and graduation. At the end she told us we were going to have a sonogram. We were so excited, I had previously told Chase that we shouldn't get our hopes up but that we might have a sonogram today. We got to see the heartbeat flickering and we got two photos of the baby. It was so amazing, I can not believe we are actually pregnant. The photos are not that great but hey it is still a little bitty baby! Afterwards it was time for bloodwork and we were out of there. The next appointment is May 14th and we are excited because we will probably get another sonogram since twins run on my moms side of the family and the doctor wants to ease our minds or really mine that there is only one baby in there!
Monday, April 12, 2010
How are journey got started....
Well as you can see we have started an amazing journey. We can not wait to meet little baby Hargrove. Lets see how to begin our journey, well on March 24th we took our first home pregnancy test and much to our suprise it was positive. We were really hoping that it would be posititve but the test didn't have either of us feeling 100% positive so we decided to take another one a few days later and I went ahead and called Dr. Obbink for an appointment. Cindy the receptionist/nurse was so excited and mad at me because I wanted to wait unitl Monday to come in when Chase already had an appointment. So we waited are few days and took another test on March 27th with a quick positive result this time. So on March 29th Chase and I went to the doctor. We were originally there to have a checkup for Chase but we went ahead and squeezed me in for a pregnancy test. The told me I had to see Dr. Obbink and Chase and I could not be in the same room while we waited. I had to wait until Chase's appointment was over and then Chase and Dr. Obbink joined me in the room I was in to let us know we were officially pregnant at that point I was 5 weeks and 6 days with a due date of November 23rd just two days before Thanksgiving. We were so excited. We left the appointment and I made a few calls around to find me an OBGYN that would deliver at the new Baylor Hospital and set up my first appointment for March 16th the lucky day after tax season, and the soonest they would see me.
Since the day we found out we are having a baby it has been really rough for me. I have been extremely nauseas and really tired. I am tring to manage through it all but I have some really hard days and some really easy days but hey this is what we wanted so now I must deal with it until the first trimester is over(hopefully!)
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