You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our First Doctor's Appointment.....

Today I am 8 weeks and 3 days along only alot more to go, haha!! Today was our first doctors appointment for the checkup on the baby and to meet the new doctor. Her name is Pattyann Hardt and her office is off of 8th Ave right next to the hospital. The nurse at the front to check you in was amazing her name was Annie. She was happy and upbeat and kidding around with us she made it really comfortable. Once you check in you walk down the hall to the Tree of Life as the call it or the waiting room that has this amazing wall in which someone did by hand this glass tree and scenery. We waited to be called back to meet the doctor. Finally a few minutes later we were called back and thank goodness because I really had to go to the bathroom but I knew they were going to need a sample so I was patiently holding it, which is not the easiest thing to do. They put us in a room and started the interrogation process, just kidding but hey that is kinda what it felt like. We had to go through all the medical issues in the family which I will be having to ask everyone once we tell people so we can fill the doctor in. The new doctor came in and she was so sweet and nice. She told us our due date is November 23rd and then asked if we had any questions. Of course I had a few considering this is our first and the baby is due in my last semster right before finals and graduation. At the end she told us we were going to have a sonogram. We were so excited, I had previously told Chase that we shouldn't get our hopes up but that we might have a sonogram today. We got to see the heartbeat flickering and we got two photos of the baby. It was so amazing, I can not believe we are actually pregnant. The photos are not that great but hey it is still a little bitty baby! Afterwards it was time for bloodwork and we were out of there. The next appointment is May 14th and we are excited because we will probably get another sonogram since twins run on my moms side of the family and the doctor wants to ease our minds or really mine that there is only one baby in there!

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