You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Monday, April 12, 2010

How are journey got started....

Well as you can see we have started an amazing journey. We can not wait to meet little baby Hargrove. Lets see how to begin our journey, well on March 24th we took our first home pregnancy test and much to our suprise it was positive. We were really hoping that it would be posititve but the test didn't have either of us feeling 100% positive so we decided to take another one a few days later and I went ahead and called Dr. Obbink for an appointment. Cindy the receptionist/nurse was so excited and mad at me because I wanted to wait unitl Monday to come in when Chase already had an appointment. So we waited are few days and took another test on March 27th with a quick positive result this time. So on March 29th Chase and I went to the doctor. We were originally there to have a checkup for Chase but we went ahead and squeezed me in for a pregnancy test. The told me I had to see Dr. Obbink and Chase and I could not be in the same room while we waited. I had to wait until Chase's appointment was over and then Chase and Dr. Obbink joined me in the room I was in to let us know we were officially pregnant at that point I was 5 weeks and 6 days with a due date of November 23rd just two days before Thanksgiving. We were so excited. We left the appointment and I made a few calls around to find me an OBGYN that would deliver at the new Baylor Hospital and set up my first appointment for March 16th the lucky day after tax season, and the soonest they would see me.

Since the day we found out we are having a baby it has been really rough for me. I have been extremely nauseas and really tired. I am tring to manage through it all but I have some really hard days and some really easy days but hey this is what we wanted so now I must deal with it until the first trimester is over(hopefully!)

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