You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time to tell the Family.....

Mothers Day is on Sunday and we are finally telling the family. I am so excited to finally tell everyone, keeping it a secret has not been that hard but now you can kinda tell I am getting a little bump and people will be asking questions. We are having Chases parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephews, papaw, my dad and stepmom and my grandma all over for lunch. The families do not know the other family will be there simply because if they knew they were all invited they might suspect something. We still are not sure how to let the news out yet. Chase wants to be the one to tell the news and I am all for that because I might just blurt it out or just say nothing who knows. There is one catch though, when we tell our families they can not be releasing the news on facebook or myspace or anything like that. They now have to keep the secret until the 14th which is the 12 week appointment. I really don't think anything is wrong but just in case for some weird reason we went in and I had miscarried then I would not have to tell the whole world the news just the family. So nobody better cross Chase and I because it is our news to tell not anyone elses so they should respect that and it is only for 5 days then I will make a post and then they can go crazy! After lunch we will go out to my moms and grandmas and tell them the news as well. It is going to be a wonderful Mothers Day for our Mothers as well as for me, it is my first Mothers Day!

Something that is kinda funny is Chase's aunt Dolly always sees something about babies like a number and that will some how be incorportated into the time or weight or date they were born or just weird stuff like that. So everytime we see her at family events she(and everyone else) wants to know if we are pregnant yet. She has been telling us from the beginning that she sees we will have a little girl, man do we both hope she is right about that! We really would love a little girl, but a healthy baby either way makes us happy! Anyways on Easter everyone wanted to know if we were pregnant, well of course we were but we told everyone no not yet. Dolly then told us well dont worry you will be pregnant next month and it will be a girl. Well chalk one up to Dolly's weirdness or whatever you call it but in May we are annoucing that we are expecting so in some way she had the month of May right just not for finding out we are pregnant but for everyone else finding out we are pregnant. Now Dolly better be right about the baby being a little girl. Anyways we make the announcement on Sunday and I will for sure post and let everyone know how we did it and everyones reactions.

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